Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the making of anabug 1

the making of anabug 1:
anabug 1 was primarily meant to be a line follower equipped with a colour sensor. The colour sensor was supposed to detect the colour of the line. The sensors that were used are LDR LED pairs. the LDRs used are fitted with a lens for increased sensitivity. The same sensor type was used for detecting colour.

What was anabug 1 supposed to do?
anabug was supposed to do one of two things: either follow a line (dark on light/light on dark) and detect the colour of the line and display the colour using different coloured LEDs. (Special thanks to Mr Wilf Rigter for his excellent article on colour sensors) or it was to avoid obstacles and detect the colour of the floor beneath it.

downsides of anabug 1:
the LDR based sensors are EXTREMELY prone to picking up noise or undesired signals. Also the response of anabug 1 to the stimuli provided by it's environment is kinda slow.

the detailed circuit diagram will be uploaded soon !

cheers to all fellow roboteers!

1 comment:

What's in a name? said...

It's been a year since anabug...where is the next next generation?